AWR is marking its 20th anniversary as the longest-standing rank tracker in the industry
Just a few reasons users choose us
Our interface simplifies tasks, avoiding feature overload, and guiding you through the process.
Unique SERP analytics data
We scrutinize the SERP up to the pixel, providing insights on visibility and behavioral metrics of each link in SERP.
All-inclusive monitoring
Tracking rankings daily/weekly/on-demand for any location and search engine, including Amazon, YouTube, and Baidu.
Best for Agencies
Unlimited Projects
You won’t pay extra for just having more clients to handle.
Unlimited Users
You won’t worry about growing the team that works on your projects.
Unlimited Reports
You can send as many scheduled reports as you need.
Some love from our users
My rank tracker of choice
AWR is my go-to rank tracker! It allows me to track positions in mobile and desktop daily for my clients' sites and competitors and provides a comprehensive vision of the site SERP visibility share over time.

Aleyda Solis
Founder, Orainti
Best rank tracker
Advanced Web Ranking has been at the core of my rankings data collection process for a very long time. The reason why I recommend it, is because it's the best!

Richard Baxter
Founder, Builtvisible
My favorite analytics tools
Advanced Web Ranking continues to be the industry standard SEO performance tracking. Their toolset goes far beyond simple rank tracking, integrating site performance and social media.

Ian Lurie
Founder, Portent Interactive