Your SEO Wishes For 2015 - #MySEOWish2015

Jan 16, 2015


min read

For the past week we put together a fun social media contest for all of you out there, who got back to work after the Holidays with a long list of New Year resolutions.

What you had to do was to tweet your wish using the hashtag #MySEOWish2015 and entered yourself for a chance of winning a 1 year subscription to AWR Cloud.

social seo wish advanced web ranking contest

The contest has now ended, so thank you all for participating! Also, congratulations to our lucky winner, Robert Stoubos! You can see his wish below.

I wish for my company @odysseynewmedia to become a leading UK Digital Marketing Agency this year with the help of AWR! #MySEOWish2015 - Robert Stoubos (@robertstoubos) January 14, 2015

We got from you a lot of inspiring wishes, that spoke loudly about where is our industry going and its ambitions. It would be a terrible waste to let them get covered up in Twitter feeds going unnoticed.

Here is a selection of those that we thought you may find inspiring. Enjoy!

#myseowish2015 Google algos being able to eliminate negative SEO possibilities. And punishing big companies which obv use unnatural links. - Hampus Nyström (@HampusNystrom) January 8, 2015

#MySEOWish2015 Better rankings and traffic, no more penalties, better Google algos to avoid blackhat practices. - Fabio IYL (@fabio_iyl) January 9, 2015

#MySEOWish2015 May SEO become more associated with great content and less with evil hackers and spammers. - Marjory Meechan (@MarjyMeechan) January 9, 2015

I wish having Google engineer taking down bad examples straight away before working on scalable algorithms #MySEOWish2015 - Andrea Moro (@andrea_moro) January 9, 2015

Convince more and more site-owners to focus more on high quality content instead of as much links as possible #MySEOWish2015 - Purple Curve (@PurpleCurveNL) January 9, 2015

#MySEOWish2015 is to see more emphasis on quality content from @google - Juggling Swords (@JugglingSwords) January 10, 2015

#MySEOWish2015 a better plagiarism checker by @google for original source content! - Jacob Peters (@J__Cub) January 10, 2015 

#MySEOWish2015 wish Google would allow Analytics to show what pages search engine optimization queries are landing on in one simple report. - Alex Miranda (@mralexmiranda) January 12, 2015 

#MySEOWish2015 I wish we knew more data about (not provided) - Designer Bathrooms (@desconbathrooms) January 13, 2015 

#MySEOWish2015. Access to user keyword trends on google, bing etc so planning an SEO campaign was easier to setup - Matthew Harrington (@10n6) January 13, 2015

@awebranking #MySEOWish2015 #GetMeThatSubscription - Andrew Robinson (@HeyThereAndrew) January 14, 2015 

Google shifted ranking rewards from SMBs to BIG Brands. I wish their next algo gives back to SMBs. #MySEOWish2015 - Stephen Palmer (@sm_palmer) January 15, 2015

#MySEOWish2015 is to reverse engineer the #Google algorithm...jk Google! I don't need to do that when I have @awebranking and great content! - Aaron Abbott (@PersuasiveData) January 15, 2015

Even though the contest has ended: What is your SEO wish for this year?

Article by

Alina Popescu

Alina is the Community Manager at Advanced Web Ranking and joined the team back in 2011. She is passionate about social media and the power that it holds to connect people.

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